
Vehicles include Cars, SUVs/Vans, Trucks, RVs, Campers, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, and other motorized vehicles. 

General Parking and Driving

A parking area will be set up at the event for participants to park their vehicle out of the way, during the event. All participants will be asked to park their vehicle in this area after checking into gate and setting up their camp in the allotted time. Once you have parked your vehicle, you should not move your vehicle until you are ready to leave the event (unless you have been requested to move your vehicle.) 

Driving Around Gateway Burn Is Not Allowed 

This event is taking place at a Wildlife Sanctuary- there will be wildlife and you are responsible for avoiding injuring or killing wildlife with your vehicle. Once you have parked your vehicle, you should not move your vehicle until you are ready to leave the event (unless you have been requested to move your vehicle).

If you have an art car or disability/medical needs that require you to use a vehicle to help get around the event, please see the Parking Passes section below. Unregistered vehicles that are found moving around the event that are not the vehicles of participants who are arriving or leaving the event, could result in ejection from the event. ALL vehicles that want to move during the event MUST have a Parking Pass or other official department signage, including official vehicles.

Parking Passes 

If you intend to camp your vehicle at camp or drive it around as a art car/mutant vehicle or for medical reasons, you MUST apply for a parking pass:

Parking passes will be provided for the following:

  • Car Camping
  • RV Camping
  • Art Cars/Mutant Vehicles
  • Disability and Medical Reasons (Car Camping and/or Mobility)

Some general rules and things to consider:

  • Make an effort to have your vehicle blend in- or artistically stand out. 
  • There will be no car camping allowed on the Esplanade.
  • RVs are given special consideration, with specific rules and policies applying to those vehicles. Appropriate space for RVs is limited and if your request is approved, you will be asked to park it in a specific, assigned, designated spot. We ask that you please park your RV only in the designated spot as assigned by our parking and placement teams.
  • Please note, if the event grounds experience inclement weather, Gateway Event Coordinators may decide to revoke any and all parking passes for the safety of the participants and protection of the land.
  • If you are not sober, don’t drive, even if asked by a Lead. 
  • Unauthorized or unsafe use of a vehicle can result in ejection from the event, liability for property damage, and even criminal charges. 

Anyone who applies for a parking pass will be considered approved as submitted unless contacted (i.e., RV camping placement request is not viable). Please not that there may be last minute changes to spacing as the event fills up and/or as weather conditions change. We recommend contacting theme camp leads if you plan on parking a vehicle at camp so they can plan space accordingly. Please submit a new application for every vehicle (i.e., RV camping but also have a mutant vehicle).

You will pick up your parking pass during the check-in process at gate. This pass should be visible so volunteers know you have permission to be driving around or parked near your campsite.


Participants who have registered to park at their campsite MUST PARK SMART. Please make sure vehicles are not blocking roads or golf cart pathways and are not parked in areas that would block access to art or theme camps. Infrastructure, Rangers, Fire Suppression, Concierge or Event Coordinators may ask you to move your vehicle, and reserve the right to tow any vehicle that is parked improperly. Please, comply with any request made by Infrastructure, Rangers, Fire Suppression, Concierge or Event Coordinators to move your vehicle. Refusal to comply with reasonable requests to move your vehicle will result in being ejected from the event. 

RV Policies 

What is an RV? An RV (recreational vehicle) is the term generally used for a motor vehicle or trailer equipped with a living space and amenities found in a home. RVs are a mixed bag — some participants love them, while some hate them and think their very presence detracts from the Burn experience.

RVs provide you with protection from rain and dust, an area to cook indoors, a private shower/toilet, and can carry a lot of supplies. They also are expensive, heavy, and have noisy generators that disturb others. They cause wear and tear to the land, and easily get stuck in narrow spots or muddy ground. 

For the sake of this document and Gateway Burn, some campers are also considered RVs. Small “pop up” campers that are no larger than a regular automobile will not be subject to the RV policy; those fall under the regular Parking policy. If participants have questions or concerns as to whether or not their vehicle will be classified as an RV, they should submit the parking pass form as an RV. 

RV Parking 

Similar to participants who register to park their vehicles at their campsite, Gateway Burn has limited space available for those who wish to camp in an RV. In order to minimize the impact that RVs have to the rest of the Burn, RVs will be given designated parking spots, located within a specific area of the event grounds, unless specified otherwise on the parking pass application. RVs that use generators will not be allowed near quiet camping and should make efforts to dampen the sound of their generator. Anyone parking an RV outside of their designated area will be ejected from the event. 

RV Rules/Guidelines 

Before bringing your RV to the Burn do the following: 

  • Fill your water – check for fresh water leaks. You will not be allowed to fill your water on site. 
  • Run your sink for 1 minute – check for gray water leaks 
  • Flush your toilet a few times – check for black water leaks 
  • Check your caps (potable, gray and black water) 
  • Check your vehicle fluids for oil and other leaks – this is part of LNT 

While at the Burn, remember: 

  • There is NO dumping on site. Be prepared to use your RV’s tanks. Remember, you can still use the outdoor showers and portable toilets that other participants use. You should research the nearest dump stations if you wish to empty your RV’s tanks before driving home after Exodus. 
  • There is NO water tank filling on site, either. While Gateway Burn offers potable water on site, participants that are tent camping are still recommended to bring 1.5 gallons of water per person per day. The on-site water supply is used for the outdoor showers and for filling small, personal water containers. It draws from the property owner’s personal well and is NOT allowed to be used to fill RV tanks. 
  • Be considerate with your generator. Don’t run it late at night or early in the morning. Create a sound shield of some kind to baffle the sound if at all possible. Generators will not be allowed in quiet camping areas.

Art Cars, Mutant Vehicles, and Mobility Vehicles 

If you want to cruise around the event, you must register and receive a parking pass at gate, and place the pass in/on your vehicle where it is visible. 

Driving in only allowed on roads, NOT grass unless marked. 

Traffic is one-way and there is no stopping on the road.

All other cars must be parked during the entire event. As our city grows, we have more and more vehicles which makes our roads crowded. An art car is not just meant to transport you around the event, it’s also supposed to be ART! To that end, we are going to ask that you make sure your vehicle is as artified as possible. 

To have an art car roam: 

  • Have a genuinely artfully mutated vehicle! 
  • No vehicles in excess of 20 feet are to be driven around Gateway Burn. It is dangerous in our tight event space. 
  • Register for a parking pass before the event
  • Undergo an on-site safety/sanity inspection/indoctrination and to ensure your vehicle is environmentally friendly, review any fire effects or extreme sound capabilities. If rejected initially, re- inspection is possible after issues are corrected.
  • Follow driving rules!

Driving Rules:

  • Clearly display the parking pass in a location specified by the Concierge 
  • Speed limit 5 mph. (less in hazardous situations such as tight crowds) 
  • Yield to everyone (Art cars should yield to pedestrians, bikes, wildlife, carts, little red wagons…). 
  • Observe traffic rules- all roads are one way!
  • No stopping at any time.
  • No driving on grass or off road.
  • Abide by instructions from Rangers and Event Coordinators. 
  • Be completely sober. 
  • Have blackout/darkened headlights and other lighting if driving at night. 
  • Remember that improper use of a mutant vehicle, being negligent of safety or generating complaints from others can result in a “time-out” and/or revocation of your DMV license. 

If you have a physical disability or medical reason and need to use your vehicle for mobility during the event, you can register for an Art Car and receive a Parking Pass at gate. We highly recommend making your vehicle into an art/mutant vehicle to add to the burn experience.

Mutant Vehicle Etiquette for Pedestrians

Mutant Vehicles and Art Cars can be seen and ridden at the event. All participants are responsible for interacting safely with Art Cars. Unsafe or unauthorized use of any vehicle can result in ejection from the event, liability for property damage and even criminal charges. 

Thou Shall

  • Dance around, wave thy arms and ask politely from a safe location to get on a passing mutant vehicle.
  • Wait until the mutant vehicle has come to a complete stop and you have the operator’s permission before boarding or disembarking. 
  • Help look out for the safety of thine fellow passengers, passers-by and other sundry freaks.
  • Report any safety issues, violations, and/or problem vehicles to the Gateway Rangers immediately.

Thou Shall Not 

  • Try to get on, impede, or stop a moving mutant 
  • Attempt to run down, jump on, hog-tie and/or flip- off the vehicle or its driver if the mutant vehicle does not stop for you. 
  • Operate any mutant vehicle and/or its artistic additions (e.g., fire cannons, pants cannons, sounds and light systems, etc.) without permission of its owner/operator. 
  • Hi-jack, hoodwink or harass the driver whilst they are in command and control of the mutant vehicle.