Call for Art

Call for Art Proposals

2021 Grant Proposals Are Open!

Art Grants

Gateway Art Support (GAS) Grants are awarded as supplementary funding to help give birth to your proposed project. GAS reserves the right to award less than the requested amount. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following (in no particular order):

  • Quality
    creativity / interactivity / thoughtfulness / originality / excitement / inspiration
  • Execution
    planning / feasibility / safety plan / cleanup plan / budget / past work
  • Principles
    reflection of the “10 principles” of Burning Man
  • Theme
    how or if the work supports the Art Theme of the event. The theme for Gateway Burn 2021 is “????.”

Starting in 2020, we are also introducing grants for transportation and consumables. The purpose of these grants is to help cover recurring expenses for existing projects. They will cover things like fuel to transport a project, propane for fire art, food and perishables for food art, paint and other cosmetic upkeep, or basically anything your project needs to stay maintained and get back to Gateway.

Policies & Procedures

  • Grants are intended to cover materials and transportation.
  • Funding requests for renovations or extensions of existing projects are allowed.
  • Performances are eligible. Pretty much anything is eligible.
  • Artists should indicate whether their project can be taken elsewhere. There will be additional judging points for taking the piece to additional locations.
  • The GAS art grant budget is based upon the previous year’s net income from Gateway Burners’ events, fundraisers and donations. Unallocated art funds will roll over into the following year.
  • If an artist sells work created using the funds of a GAS grant, the granted amount must be returned to GAS due to 501(c)(3) requirements.
  • Gateway Burners and/or Gateway Art Support reserves the right to reproduce any and all imagery related to the Gateway Burn for promotional purposes only. All reasonable attempts will be made to give proper credit to the artists involved.
  • By submitting an application, the artist agrees to the terms of this Call for Proposals.
  • All recipients of GAS grants will receive 50% of awarded funds upon receipt by Gateway Burners of a signed artist’s contract, and the remainder within 30 days of completion of terms of contract.

Artist Responsibilities

  1. Execute the proposed project
    2. Include the phrase “Funded in part by the Gateway Burner’s Gateway Art Support (GAS)” on any and all promotional materials.
    3. Completely remove the project and cleanup the installation site by the close of the event
    4. Other responsibilities as defined in artist’s contract

Proposal Submission

Round one art grant applications are now closed. Additional rounds will be announced as we update materials for 2021.

Download the PDFs below to get started (which may change as we move ahead with planning for 2021):

GAS will review your proposal and notify you in a timely manner.

Do not be discouraged if you are not awarded a grant. We have limited funds and are forced to make tough decisions about where to apply them.

Contact GAS

You can email any questions you have about this process to:

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Thank you for your interest & proposal submission!