Board Meeting Notes 10/23/18
Gateway Burners Board Meeting
10/23/18, 7pm, 4384 Chouteau
Attendees: Mac, Sophia, Kelli, Jolena
- Mac reported that the Gateway Ranger team did a great job assisting at one of the recent burns he attended and provided training to future rangers.
- Principles office has now been in attendance at Gateway, Interfuse, HearthsOPhyre, and Hullabaloo. Other burns have expressed interest in implementing a Principles office.
- Ranger leads will be Buttercup, McAllister and Virginia Lou.
- Phil and Kathy will handle Saturday Burn Management (perimeter, sandmen, safeties, fast coordination, effigy coordination) “Man Burningment”.
- Sven has offered add to his Quartermaster responsibilities by getting involved with Infrastructure and on-site Placement.
- Erik Cain has offered to co-lead Infrastructure.
- Sophia is building an HQ team, E will be on the team as well as a few others she has approached. This will be the main communication hub for all safety departments. Further information to follow.
- Connie will remain on Medic team, Chase is considering her level of involvement, Jeanie needs to be contacted, Mac has made a couple of contacts that may also be able to Medic. Modifying structure of team for Triage on call through HQ rather than manning the tent 24/7. Further info coming.
- Need a Pre-event Placement lead for advanced map creation and coordination with theme camps, art placement, other camps, RVs. Would like this person to be able to update the community leading up to the burn to promote registration of camps, art, campers, RVs.
- Need an Earth Guardians co-lead that can be on site Wednesday. Linsey Estes will be lead.
- EC team has been chosen, announcement to website to follow. Board would like to meet with EC team on 11/6 at 7pm to start coordinating, discuss land contract, review effigy submittals, lead positions, survival guide updates.
- Effigy proposals are due by 10/31/18 for the EC team to review.
- Need community feedback on RVs at Gateway and updates to the survival guide. Post will be made for discussion.
- Need community feedback on adding a temple burn at Gateway. Post will be made for discussion.
- With the success of the Gateway Family Afterburn Picnic, Jolena would like to lead on a Gateway Family Preburn Picnic in the spring. Date to be coordinated around Safety training, etc.
- Decomp is coming up 11/17, Dave has it under control. Jolena gave Kelli checks for Dave for event expenses.
- Board would like to meet with Website Team to update ongoing improvements to the website.
- Sophia will reach out to Fire & Ice leads for an update.
- Next Gateway Board meeting is 11/27 at 7pm. If you would like to attend, please email