Infrastructure SOP
Standard Operating Procedure for Gateway Burn
Infrastructure Department
Department Overview Summary:
The duty of the Infrastructure Department is to assist with the building, moving, tear down, of all structures, camps and temporary shelters for any Gateway Burners Event. Both skilled and unskilled laborers are needed to make these events successful. Infrastructure also helps with Flagging designated areas such as effigy perimeter, roads, parking, theme camps, art installations, or other specified locations · Assisting other departments with their infrastructure needs, such as electricity or shade/rain structures, such needs should be planned in advance. The department also assists in executing requests on site if necessary .·
Departmental Organization
There is an Infrastructure Lead & Infrastructure Co-Leads who report to Executive Coordinators (EC’s) before, during and after the burn. In addition to the lead and co leads a set number of volunteers are needed for early arrival (to have all structures set in place no later than the Wednesday before the burn, and Sunday for tear down and pack up. Shifts are from 10 am until 4pm. 6 volunteers are needed for each shift in addition to the department leads and co leads. The main work days are Wednesday (before Burn) and Sunday (after burn).
Estimated # of Volunteers Needed 2 shifts Wednesday, 2 shifts sunday 6 people per shift for a total of 12 volunteers per day, or 24 volunteers for entire burn.
Availability Needs
Arrival Time on Site: Infrastructure’s leads will be on site no later than Tuesday before the burn, volunteers will be broken up into early arrivals (with availability for 12 volunteers to come early. Main Set up date is Wednesday.
Departure Time from Site: Tear down begins Sunday at 10 am and will last most of the day. 12 volunteers are allowed to stay onsite until Monday following burn to help with tear down and pack up.
Supplies Inventoried/Needed during Burn: Carports, Ratchet Straps, Sledgehammers or mallets, rebar, zip ties, duct tape, department signs, lights for roadway, 5 gallon beverage coolers, gloves,
Job Duties
Department Leads: Job Duties Before burn the Leads and Co Leads will create and maintain a sign up genius page to organize and recruit volunteers. The Infrastructure team will also work closely with the Placement Department to ensure accurate placement of car ports, shade structures, large art, and sign locations. Any department needing electricity or lights needs to have communicated and arranged this PRIOR to burn to ensure supplies are on hand for the event.
Department Co-Leads: Job Duties Assist lead in recruiting volunteers, arrive on site by Tuesday before burn at the latest. Be prepared to work all day Wednesday and assist in keeping community volunteers motivated, hydrated, and on task.
Breakdown of Duties/ Responsibilities for said department
Duties before the Burn: Organize and recruit volunteers for set up and take down, create any additional signs needed for the burn, coordinate with placement department for location of carports. Infrastructure Lead & Co-Lead are responsible, with assistance from the Volunteer Coordinators, for staffing volunteers to fulfill these goals.
Duties on Site: Erect carports for Medics, Rangers, Concierge, Ice Structure, Sanctuary, and Principles Office. Help run electric to the departments that need it. Ratchet strap and rebar all structures in case of inclement weather. Help unload port a potties, ice trailer, and golf carts. Move totes of supplies to designated departmental area. Hang signs for parking, departments, town cryer wipe boards, rv camping, no camping areas, private property sign at landowners home, sign at gate and roadway. Install road lighting, Set
Duties After Burn: Tear down and pack away each carport into designated tote, remove all signs and store them neatly near Rangers HQ for loading, remove all lights and place them in totes for loading.
Other Departments that you will work Closely With: Infrastructure will work closely with placement to set up the structures for Sanctuary, Rangers, HQ, Medics, FAST, Perimeter, and the Effigy Build Team. In addition to working with numerous other departments Infrastructure also answers to EC’s while on site.